October 2021
Dear Rykelan,
For your first Halloween, we didn’t go trick-o-treating. You were still too small. Instead, we set up in our driveway to greet all the kids going through the neighborhood. You wore a skeleton outfit that your Momma Kenzie gave you. We took you to a pumpkin fest, hosted by Apryl (who would later become your favorite babysitter) where your Tigger onesie was a big hit. (That outfit was a hand-me-down from Aunt Karen.) Some of my very favorite pictures of you are in that outfit.
I love your sassy faces when you’d eat (the “hold on, hold on” picture with your face covered in marinara makes me laugh every time I see it). I loved how much you enjoyed the zoo.
At this age, you were utterly obsessed with your daddy. You were getting really solid with a few signs, but you always got a little camera shy, so I don’t have very many on video.
But when Dad came into the room, you’d get so excited. You never quite got the sign for ‘dad,’ right. It’s supposed to be an open hand with your thumb on your forehead. Instead, you’d put your pointer finger on your right temple. We knew what you meant, though. You lit up when Dad came into the room.
This was your version of signing "dad," and it was absolutely adorable. I don't know that I ever saw you do the sign for 'mom,' but I was your go-to person for snuggles at every age.
I couldn't catch a "cereal" or a "more" but I did capture a "thank you."
That cheerio was stuck on your little cheek for ages.
Your dad and I miss you so much, Buddy. We love you.