December 2021

Dear Rykelan,

Look at how much you’ve grown in such a short time, little love. Your love of books is strong, and your love of Daddy’s shoes is even stronger. You stole his shoes every chance you got, wandering around the house with the shoes on the wrong feet. It was honestly impressive how well you got around in those shoes without tripping.

When you’d first moved in, Lily wasn’t entirely sure what to think about you. Penny was your best dog friend immediately, but our delicate Lily took a bit longer to get comfortable with you. By Christmas, she’d let you snuggle up next to her without her immediately running away.

The dinosaur book you got that Christmas remained a favorite the entire time you lived with us. The way you said volcano was exceptionally cute. It was just a “cano.” Later, when you were almost four, you could say pterodactyl more correctly than volcano (which was still just a cano.

We have so many videos from December, it was hard to pick a favorite to share. There were the ones where you and Penny tag teamed to destroy a box. A couple where you were brushing your barely-there hair. One where you went running for a cup of milk and then spit it all over the floor. A bunch of you opening presents at Grandma and Papa’s house.

I ended up with this one. You’re sitting at the kitchen table, spreading peanut butter all over the place. When I ask you to say “bye” to the camera, you turn to the door to say goodbye even though no one is there.

Love you, Nugget.



January 2022


November 2021