August 2021
Dear Rykelan,
During our years together, I’d imagine a future where your dad and I got to adopt you. I’d think about you in elementary school, watching you get on the bus in the morning. I’d picture your teen years and wonder what hobbies and sports you’d enjoy.
Through it all, I’d consider what I’d tell you about your childhood. What I’d tell you about your “Momma Kenzie,” and why you ultimately came to live with us. Which favorite stories I’d share about your sweet moments and your silly antics and the challenges you overcame.
But you weren’t allowed to grow up.
Since I never got the chance to tell you your story, I’m telling it now.
From the very beginning, you loved being read to before bedtime.
Your first favorite book was Llama Llama Red Pajama. We read it most nights (often alongside other titles). If we let you pick the book you wanted, this was your go-to option. You really seemed to love the rhythm of the book, and the way some pages crescendo’d into a fake yell and then others were whisper quiet.
Not to brag (totally to brag), but I was your most-requested bedtime person. There was a 6-month period in 2023 when Dad was the default story timer reader, but other than that, I was your bedtime buddy.
You were so cute and tiny and sweet at this age.
You loved your little bike, scooting around the house, getting mad (rightfully) at Penny for chewing on the handles while you were trying to drive. You’d also fill the little basket in the back with your snacks, but you could only do that in your room or else Penny would eat them all.
That little blue basket you’re sitting in? Those were technically for your toys, but you LOVED to dump the whole box out on the floor and then climb inside. You thought it was so funny. I did, too.
You were a messy—but always very happy—eater. Around this time is also when we started teaching you baby sign language so you’d be able to more easily communicate with us. By October, you were signing back like a little pro.
Love you, sweet boy. I’ll write to you again soon.