March 2022
Dear Rykelan,
In March, we finally found a space at daycare for you. We could only get you in twice a week, but you loved going to Miss Jenna’s house to play with the other kids. Later in the spring, when it was nice enough that you all played outside around pickup, you’d get so excited when you spotted our car coming up the driveway.
It was a spooky driveway — super long and up a massive hill, which meant the yard you played it was also hilly. I’ll never forget you spotting the car and running as fast as your little legs could take you up the hill to greet us. The joy on your face in those moments is a forever favorite.
Your early morning shenanigans continue. Now that I’d successfully kept the diaper box out of reach, you started trying to escape your pajamas. Sometimes you made impressive progress. Others… Well, you got stuck with just your hand out the neck hole more than once. 😅
Those Rykelan-sized sunglasses? Those only survived about a week before Penny ate them. You were not pleased about that (understandably). Despite your sibling antagonism with the dogs, you still loved each other and cozied often.
Buddy, I miss you so much, but that just means I loved you. That I still love you and always will.
Love you,
PS - I’ll color some time soon in honor of you 💕